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Painting basics

Painting in the winter: From the best time to paint to storage

The cold is back! Now that the weather is forcing us to spend more time indoors, we naturally discover more things we’d like to change about our surroundings. Staring at your old walls, you decide to freshen them (and your mood) up by painting them in new colors. But is the dead of winter an okay time to begin a painting project, when it’s too cold to leave the windows open to air things out? Here are some useful tips on painting in the winter—its challenges and rewards.

Don’t paint on exterior walls when it is below 5oC outside.

The best temperatures for exterior painting is between 5oC and 35oC. When it’s too cold (below 5oC) or too hot (above 35°C) outside, paint is unlikely to retain its proper adhesion, and can crack or slow-melt down surfaces.

When you paint indoors, make sure you do not leave the windows open too wide or too long as you need to keep the indoor temperature within the appropriate range. A newly painted wall may look matte and dry, but it may not be completely dry underneath that thin matte finished layer. The room needs to remain warm enough so the paint can dry completely.

Avoid painting on humid days.

It snows more than it rains during winter, and people tend to think snow is dryer than rain, and that indoor humidity is therefore low during winter. But this is not always the case.

The best range of relative humidity for painting is between 50 percent and 75 percent. It generally takes three to four hours for a new coat of paint to dry completely indoors. The outer surface may look and feel dry in an hour or two, but that is not an indication of the newly painted coat being completely dry. Make sure to give sufficient time for each coat of paint to dry completely during winter, at relatively low levels of temperature and humidity, for the best result.

Storing leftover paint

In principle, an opened can of paint not mixed with water or other substances can be used for up to two years. You can use it for even longer by keeping the leftover paint in an airtight container and not the original can it came in. Keep the paint away from sunlight in an indoor spot where temperature and humidity levels remain relatively constant, such as a shoe cabinet, whose temperature does not deviate from the 5oC to 35oC range.

We recommend that you avoid keeping leftover paint on your balcony. Water makes up the bulk of any water-based paint, and below-zero temperatures can freeze it. When you want to use the paint again, you should mix the paint thoroughly as the pigments and other substances may have separated from the water and sunk to the bottom of the container over time.

iLux series for indoor painting jobs made simple and easy

Samhwa Paints’ iLux series offers eco-friendly paints that emit almost no odor and that dry quickly. These paints are perfect for any indoor painting projects in the winter. Use them to paint over existing wallpaper, room doors, and kitchen counters anytime you want!

Winter can be a gloomy season, particularly if you don’t like spending more time indoors. Use iLux paints to liven up your daily living spaces and brighten your mood. Samhwa Paints provides you with the perfect wintertime painting solutions.

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Painting in the winter: From the best time to paint to storage


The cold is back! Now that the weather is forcing us to spend more time indoors, we naturally discover more things we’d like to change about our surroundings. Staring at your old walls, you decide to freshen them (and your mood) up by painting them in new colors. But is the dead of winter an okay time to begin a painting project, when it’s too cold to leave the windows open to air things out? Here are some useful tips on painting in the winter—its challenges and rewards.

Don’t paint on exterior walls when it is below 5oC outside.

The best temperatures for exterior painting is between 5oC and 35oC. When it’s too cold (below 5oC) or too hot (above 35°C) outside, paint is unlikely to retain its proper adhesion, and can crack or slow-melt down surfaces.

When you paint indoors, make sure you do not leave the windows open too wide or too long as you need to keep the indoor temperature within the appropriate range. A newly painted wall may look matte and dry, but it may not be completely dry underneath that thin matte finished layer. The room needs to remain warm enough so the paint can dry completely.

Avoid painting on humid days.

It snows more than it rains during winter, and people tend to think snow is dryer than rain, and that indoor humidity is therefore low during winter. But this is not always the case.

The best range of relative humidity for painting is between 50 percent and 75 percent. It generally takes three to four hours for a new coat of paint to dry completely indoors. The outer surface may look and feel dry in an hour or two, but that is not an indication of the newly painted coat being completely dry. Make sure to give sufficient time for each coat of paint to dry completely during winter, at relatively low levels of temperature and humidity, for the best result.

Storing leftover paint

In principle, an opened can of paint not mixed with water or other substances can be used for up to two years. You can use it for even longer by keeping the leftover paint in an airtight container and not the original can it came in. Keep the paint away from sunlight in an indoor spot where temperature and humidity levels remain relatively constant, such as a shoe cabinet, whose temperature does not deviate from the 5oC to 35oC range.

We recommend that you avoid keeping leftover paint on your balcony. Water makes up the bulk of any water-based paint, and below-zero temperatures can freeze it. When you want to use the paint again, you should mix the paint thoroughly as the pigments and other substances may have separated from the water and sunk to the bottom of the container over time.

iLux series for indoor painting jobs made simple and easy

Samhwa Paints’ iLux series offers eco-friendly paints that emit almost no odor and that dry quickly. These paints are perfect for any indoor painting projects in the winter. Use them to paint over existing wallpaper, room doors, and kitchen counters anytime you want!

Winter can be a gloomy season, particularly if you don’t like spending more time indoors. Use iLux paints to liven up your daily living spaces and brighten your mood. Samhwa Paints provides you with the perfect wintertime painting solutions.

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