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Samhwa holds ceremony to mark completion of Samhwa VH’s new plant in Vietnam


Samhwa holds a ceremony to mark the completion of Samhwa VH’s new plant, 
whose capacity is 10 times greater than the old one and is capable 
of producing more diverse products, including paints for electronics and pre-coated metals. 

Samhwa Paints held a ceremony on Thursday, August 29, to celebrate completion of the new plant for Samhwa VH Company in Dong Nai Province in southeast Vietnam.

The ceremony drew the attendance of nearly 100 guests, including CEO Oh Jin-su of Samhwa Paints and Cao Tien, Director of the Dong Nai Industrial Park Management Committee.

Located near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s economic center, the Dong Nai Industrial Park became home for Samhwa VH in 2016. The company specializes in the production of waterproof floor coats, fireproof paints, and heavy-duty paints for buildings. It has been growing consistently thanks to growing demand from an increasing number of Korean companies in Vietnam. Samhwa VH invested USD 2.8 million in establishing a new and larger plant on the 20,000 square meters of land it already owned. Construction of the plant and new utility units was completed in one year along with an automated production system. The new plant has an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons—nearly 10 times what the company was able to produce before. The plant will now be able to produce a greater range of products, including paints for plastic surfaces on electronics as well as pre-coated metals. The added capacity will further enable the company to meet clients’ demands more promptly and keep momentum going in the growth of demand.

With its abundance of quality labor, tax beneifts, and political stability, Vietnam is rapidly emerging as a viable alternative to China, attracting increasing investment from Korean companies and other global corporations.

Samhwa’s CEO Oh Jin-su commented: “We expect the demand for various types of paints to grow in Vietnam along with the country’s economic growth. The new plant, with its stable and efficient system, will become a forward base for our products for Vietnam and beyond to the rest of Southeast Asia as well.” Samhwa made its move to Vietnam through establishment of Samhwa Vina in Bac Ninh, near Hanoi, in 2010. Samhwa Vina focuses on producing paints for plastic surfaces on electronics.

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Samhwa holds ceremony to mark completion of Samhwa VH’s new plant in Vietnam


Samhwa holds a ceremony to mark the completion of Samhwa VH’s new plant, 
whose capacity is 10 times greater than the old one and is capable 
of producing more diverse products, including paints for electronics and pre-coated metals. 

Samhwa Paints held a ceremony on Thursday, August 29, to celebrate completion of the new plant for Samhwa VH Company in Dong Nai Province in southeast Vietnam.

The ceremony drew the attendance of nearly 100 guests, including CEO Oh Jin-su of Samhwa Paints and Cao Tien, Director of the Dong Nai Industrial Park Management Committee.

Located near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s economic center, the Dong Nai Industrial Park became home for Samhwa VH in 2016. The company specializes in the production of waterproof floor coats, fireproof paints, and heavy-duty paints for buildings. It has been growing consistently thanks to growing demand from an increasing number of Korean companies in Vietnam. Samhwa VH invested USD 2.8 million in establishing a new and larger plant on the 20,000 square meters of land it already owned. Construction of the plant and new utility units was completed in one year along with an automated production system. The new plant has an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons—nearly 10 times what the company was able to produce before. The plant will now be able to produce a greater range of products, including paints for plastic surfaces on electronics as well as pre-coated metals. The added capacity will further enable the company to meet clients’ demands more promptly and keep momentum going in the growth of demand.

With its abundance of quality labor, tax beneifts, and political stability, Vietnam is rapidly emerging as a viable alternative to China, attracting increasing investment from Korean companies and other global corporations.

Samhwa’s CEO Oh Jin-su commented: “We expect the demand for various types of paints to grow in Vietnam along with the country’s economic growth. The new plant, with its stable and efficient system, will become a forward base for our products for Vietnam and beyond to the rest of Southeast Asia as well.” Samhwa made its move to Vietnam through establishment of Samhwa Vina in Bac Ninh, near Hanoi, in 2010. Samhwa Vina focuses on producing paints for plastic surfaces on electronics.

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