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All for inclusive growth: Interviews with the HRD Team

You need the right recipe and ingredients to cook up something nice. An organization needs the right culture, institutions, and people to create something positive. We recently interviewed Lee Su-gyeong and Bae Dong-hyeok, both senior-level members (referred to as “Pros”) of the HRD team, who are dedicated to facilitating the growth and development of employees toward inclusive growth for the whole company.

Q. Nice to meet you. Please tell us a bit about your team.

Lee & Bae: Unlike the HRD departments of most other companies that specialize in just two things—human development and training—the HRD team at Samhwa Paint sees itself as having three key functions.

<Hiring> e look for and hire people, both internally and externally, who meet the company’s high standards and who possess the necessary competencies and qualities for the given jobs. We also make sure they are assigned to the right jobs and posts. Our hiring-related tasks include developing annual personnel plans, hiring new and experienced employees, and organizing the internal recruitment process. 
<Relationship> We design and provide a variety of resources to promote the building of diverse relationships throughout the company. In addition to personnel programs, we also oversee and manage policies on transfers and overseas assignments of personnel. 
<Development> We set up annual training plans designed to develop the competencies and skills in our personnel to equip them with global capabilities and leadership skills, and provide a wide range of relevant training programs. We facilitate the efforts of our people to develop their careers and achieve personal growth.

We decide our roles and aims in team-wide discussions. We discuss important agenda items to advance the team’s performance and make changes so that the decisions we come to are well thought-out and have everyone’s support.

Q. What do you do?

Lee: I’d introduce myself as a training specialist at Samhwa Paint. I deal mostly with tasks related to human resource development, helping to establish annual training plans and designing and providing various learning programs to support employee learning and growth. I do my best to maintain good relations with each employee, so that I can provide them with positive training experiences and help them find ways to optimize their own development..

Bae: I joined the HRD team more recently and have been enjoying the attention and help that only newbies can get from their colleagues. My focus is on hiring—namely, designing and managing hiring processes so as to discover and recruit talented individuals. My job also involves branding Samhwa Paint as an employer with a clear vision and values. Hiring is the first and most memorable moment in any employee’s life where they get to meet the company that has employed them. I take pride in the fact that I help and guide such moments. I quite enjoy what I do. 

Fostering an environment conducive to bringing the best out of everyone

Q. Do you have any recent memorable projects you’d like to share with us?

Lee: I remember the leadership program for new field managers that took place as the first companywide training course earlier this year. Field managers were invited from our plants in Ansan and Gongju. The managers came in looking rather tired, so I was concerned that the program might not go so well as planned. But this turned out to be a memorable experience because, once the training started, everyone participated well and gave me a great amount of positive feedback. By the time we had to say our goodbyes, I saw everyone was smiling and looking much more comfortable. I was really proud and happy to have pulled that off.

Bae: I feel the proudest moments for me as a hiring specialist is when the lengthy hiring process is finally complete and I get to tell people that they’ve been hired. I talk to the job candidates countless times throughout the hiring process, but I wouldn’t miss for the world the opportunity to tell them myself that they’ve finally been hired. The new hires cannot hide their nervousness and the excitement in their voices as I tell them the good news over the phone. The experienced hires sound much more relaxed, but you can tell that they’re relieved and proud to have made another important leap forward in their career plans. It’s hearing their voices that makes me feel like I’ve made the right career choice. This year, in the first half, was the first time that I handled the orientation and training for new hires. I had some difficulties, but managed to pull it off well—so much so that I now look forward to training new hires next year as well.

(Left) New field manager leadership program; (right) new hire orientation and training.

Q. What are your areas of interest these days?

Lee: These days, I think a lot about how to use AI in companywide learning. I think it’s necessary first and foremost to improve everyone’s understanding of how to use such a tool and then to figure out what specific programs or technologies we might adopt. In the HRD team, we think about encouraging employees to apply themselves to obtaining AI-related certificates and licenses as part of encouraging them to learn.

Bae:) My main area of interest nowadays is branding hiring and employment at Samhwa. I was surprised to discover that so many jobseekers struggle to find accurate, up-to-date information about Samhwa and that many of them end up developing misunderstandings as a result. I try to institute a branding process for hiring and employment so that I can communicate clearly to jobseekers Samhwa’s core values as well as the pros and cons of working here.

Q. What do you do when you hit a wall in your line of work?

Lee: When that happens, I try to talk it out with others instead of spending agonizing hours alone. Sharing my difficulties this way often helps me find the answer faster. I try to communicate the progress of my work with others whenever I can, even when I’m not facing any problems or challenges. I think communication is the key to making fast progress toward what we’re all aiming at.

Bae: When I hit a wall, I try to visualize my situation. I actually take out a sheet of paper and draw a diagram of my current predicament and the state I want to reach. Then I identify and list all the steps needed to get from where I am to where I want to be. This process naturally clears things up for me, helping me decide on priorities and minimize unnecessary worry.

Q. What do you do to increase your professionalism and competence in your job?

Lee: I look for opportunities to learn and train outside of the company. My interest is less in general theories and more in courses that encourage participants to share their stories. I also try to go to every major HR conference or seminar when I can. These occasions help me stay on trend in HR management and also benchmark positive examples at other companies.

Bae: Hiring processes are undergoing significant change everywhere nowadays. We no longer just post job announcements and wait for jobseekers to apply. I read books, watch YouTube channels, attend seminars, and reference the hiring websites of other companies to stay on top of trends. I’m also studying to become a certified big data specialist to improve my skill at handling hiring-related data. Data by itself does not offer the whole answer, but it definitely helps me make better decisions. With data, I can better show others the reasons behind my decisions and also build my own career.

Seeing employees as human beings eager to grow

Q. What would you like to brag about regarding the HRD team?

Lee: In this team, we’re all about making things simple and easy. Whenever there are two or more tasks that need to be coordinated, we immediately talk to each other and sort out the order of things so that we can avoid massive complexities down the road. We’re always keen to discover ways to eliminate unnecessary tasks and inefficiencies. We have a culture where everyone can really speak their mind, mainly thanks to the hard work of our team manager. The team manager updates the ground rules for the HRD team every year and communicates to us clearly what direction we ought to take to improve. The team manager also never shies away from giving individual members the right advice they need to do their work better.

Bae: Our biggest strength is that we’re always open to new perspectives. As you work, it’s inevitable that you start to question the old and established ways of things. Whenever I share these questions and concerns with my more experienced teammates, including the team manager, they always respond in positive ways and adopt any good ideas I have into the actual process. This open culture where everyone roots for one another has been really helpful..

Q. What kind of people are you looking to welcome to the HRD team?

Lee: I’d say that we’re looking for people with three things—knowledge, skills, and the right attitude. We’d welcome someone who is knowledgeable about HR-related laws, trends and issues; who has the skills to identify and analyze various and conflicting needs with accuracy; and the skills to listen and communicate, as we have to deal with a lot of people from all walks of life in this line of work. I think the most important of these three, though, is the right attitude. We want someone who sees humanity in others and who is willing to go out of their way to help them solve the problems they face. Altruism is always an asset.

Bae: I agree. I think the most important quality of someone working in HRD is their willingness to take interest in others. All our processes, whether hiring, personnel assignment, or training, begin with interest in people. Humanity forms the A to Z of all HRD tasks. To work here, you need to be curious and eager to understand what challenges other employees face and to think and work with them patiently to figure out what should be done to help them solve or overcome those challenges.

Q. What are your next goals?

Lee:For now, I plan to continue focusing on enhancing my competency in human resource development. I want to create a growth roadmap for every employee at Samhwa to reference when they want to know regarding how to develop their careers. I want to become a competent expert who has all the right tools and resources to help employees focus on their work and personal growth. In the end, I want to become an irreplaceable HR specialist with extensive experience in all lines of HR-related work and unrivaled competency.

Bae: I want to grow my focus from hiring to human resource management. I want to increase my contribution to the process of helping each employee grow and reach completion, by, for example, analyzing data to identify what training tools and resources are needed to hire the right people and help them see their careers grow, and what personnel plans are needed to maximize synergy within that process. I can see the hurdles I might encounter down the road, but I’m confident that, with thorough planning, I can overcome them one by one.

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All for inclusive growth: Interviews with the HRD Team


You need the right recipe and ingredients to cook up something nice. An organization needs the right culture, institutions, and people to create something positive. We recently interviewed Lee Su-gyeong and Bae Dong-hyeok, both senior-level members (referred to as “Pros”) of the HRD team, who are dedicated to facilitating the growth and development of employees toward inclusive growth for the whole company.

Q. Nice to meet you. Please tell us a bit about your team.

Lee & Bae: Unlike the HRD departments of most other companies that specialize in just two things—human development and training—the HRD team at Samhwa Paint sees itself as having three key functions.

<Hiring> e look for and hire people, both internally and externally, who meet the company’s high standards and who possess the necessary competencies and qualities for the given jobs. We also make sure they are assigned to the right jobs and posts. Our hiring-related tasks include developing annual personnel plans, hiring new and experienced employees, and organizing the internal recruitment process. 
<Relationship> We design and provide a variety of resources to promote the building of diverse relationships throughout the company. In addition to personnel programs, we also oversee and manage policies on transfers and overseas assignments of personnel. 
<Development> We set up annual training plans designed to develop the competencies and skills in our personnel to equip them with global capabilities and leadership skills, and provide a wide range of relevant training programs. We facilitate the efforts of our people to develop their careers and achieve personal growth.

We decide our roles and aims in team-wide discussions. We discuss important agenda items to advance the team’s performance and make changes so that the decisions we come to are well thought-out and have everyone’s support.

Q. What do you do?

Lee: I’d introduce myself as a training specialist at Samhwa Paint. I deal mostly with tasks related to human resource development, helping to establish annual training plans and designing and providing various learning programs to support employee learning and growth. I do my best to maintain good relations with each employee, so that I can provide them with positive training experiences and help them find ways to optimize their own development..

Bae: I joined the HRD team more recently and have been enjoying the attention and help that only newbies can get from their colleagues. My focus is on hiring—namely, designing and managing hiring processes so as to discover and recruit talented individuals. My job also involves branding Samhwa Paint as an employer with a clear vision and values. Hiring is the first and most memorable moment in any employee’s life where they get to meet the company that has employed them. I take pride in the fact that I help and guide such moments. I quite enjoy what I do. 

Fostering an environment conducive to bringing the best out of everyone

Q. Do you have any recent memorable projects you’d like to share with us?

Lee: I remember the leadership program for new field managers that took place as the first companywide training course earlier this year. Field managers were invited from our plants in Ansan and Gongju. The managers came in looking rather tired, so I was concerned that the program might not go so well as planned. But this turned out to be a memorable experience because, once the training started, everyone participated well and gave me a great amount of positive feedback. By the time we had to say our goodbyes, I saw everyone was smiling and looking much more comfortable. I was really proud and happy to have pulled that off.

Bae: I feel the proudest moments for me as a hiring specialist is when the lengthy hiring process is finally complete and I get to tell people that they’ve been hired. I talk to the job candidates countless times throughout the hiring process, but I wouldn’t miss for the world the opportunity to tell them myself that they’ve finally been hired. The new hires cannot hide their nervousness and the excitement in their voices as I tell them the good news over the phone. The experienced hires sound much more relaxed, but you can tell that they’re relieved and proud to have made another important leap forward in their career plans. It’s hearing their voices that makes me feel like I’ve made the right career choice. This year, in the first half, was the first time that I handled the orientation and training for new hires. I had some difficulties, but managed to pull it off well—so much so that I now look forward to training new hires next year as well.

(Left) New field manager leadership program; (right) new hire orientation and training.

Q. What are your areas of interest these days?

Lee: These days, I think a lot about how to use AI in companywide learning. I think it’s necessary first and foremost to improve everyone’s understanding of how to use such a tool and then to figure out what specific programs or technologies we might adopt. In the HRD team, we think about encouraging employees to apply themselves to obtaining AI-related certificates and licenses as part of encouraging them to learn.

Bae:) My main area of interest nowadays is branding hiring and employment at Samhwa. I was surprised to discover that so many jobseekers struggle to find accurate, up-to-date information about Samhwa and that many of them end up developing misunderstandings as a result. I try to institute a branding process for hiring and employment so that I can communicate clearly to jobseekers Samhwa’s core values as well as the pros and cons of working here.

Q. What do you do when you hit a wall in your line of work?

Lee: When that happens, I try to talk it out with others instead of spending agonizing hours alone. Sharing my difficulties this way often helps me find the answer faster. I try to communicate the progress of my work with others whenever I can, even when I’m not facing any problems or challenges. I think communication is the key to making fast progress toward what we’re all aiming at.

Bae: When I hit a wall, I try to visualize my situation. I actually take out a sheet of paper and draw a diagram of my current predicament and the state I want to reach. Then I identify and list all the steps needed to get from where I am to where I want to be. This process naturally clears things up for me, helping me decide on priorities and minimize unnecessary worry.

Q. What do you do to increase your professionalism and competence in your job?

Lee: I look for opportunities to learn and train outside of the company. My interest is less in general theories and more in courses that encourage participants to share their stories. I also try to go to every major HR conference or seminar when I can. These occasions help me stay on trend in HR management and also benchmark positive examples at other companies.

Bae: Hiring processes are undergoing significant change everywhere nowadays. We no longer just post job announcements and wait for jobseekers to apply. I read books, watch YouTube channels, attend seminars, and reference the hiring websites of other companies to stay on top of trends. I’m also studying to become a certified big data specialist to improve my skill at handling hiring-related data. Data by itself does not offer the whole answer, but it definitely helps me make better decisions. With data, I can better show others the reasons behind my decisions and also build my own career.

Seeing employees as human beings eager to grow

Q. What would you like to brag about regarding the HRD team?

Lee: In this team, we’re all about making things simple and easy. Whenever there are two or more tasks that need to be coordinated, we immediately talk to each other and sort out the order of things so that we can avoid massive complexities down the road. We’re always keen to discover ways to eliminate unnecessary tasks and inefficiencies. We have a culture where everyone can really speak their mind, mainly thanks to the hard work of our team manager. The team manager updates the ground rules for the HRD team every year and communicates to us clearly what direction we ought to take to improve. The team manager also never shies away from giving individual members the right advice they need to do their work better.

Bae: Our biggest strength is that we’re always open to new perspectives. As you work, it’s inevitable that you start to question the old and established ways of things. Whenever I share these questions and concerns with my more experienced teammates, including the team manager, they always respond in positive ways and adopt any good ideas I have into the actual process. This open culture where everyone roots for one another has been really helpful..

Q. What kind of people are you looking to welcome to the HRD team?

Lee: I’d say that we’re looking for people with three things—knowledge, skills, and the right attitude. We’d welcome someone who is knowledgeable about HR-related laws, trends and issues; who has the skills to identify and analyze various and conflicting needs with accuracy; and the skills to listen and communicate, as we have to deal with a lot of people from all walks of life in this line of work. I think the most important of these three, though, is the right attitude. We want someone who sees humanity in others and who is willing to go out of their way to help them solve the problems they face. Altruism is always an asset.

Bae: I agree. I think the most important quality of someone working in HRD is their willingness to take interest in others. All our processes, whether hiring, personnel assignment, or training, begin with interest in people. Humanity forms the A to Z of all HRD tasks. To work here, you need to be curious and eager to understand what challenges other employees face and to think and work with them patiently to figure out what should be done to help them solve or overcome those challenges.

Q. What are your next goals?

Lee:For now, I plan to continue focusing on enhancing my competency in human resource development. I want to create a growth roadmap for every employee at Samhwa to reference when they want to know regarding how to develop their careers. I want to become a competent expert who has all the right tools and resources to help employees focus on their work and personal growth. In the end, I want to become an irreplaceable HR specialist with extensive experience in all lines of HR-related work and unrivaled competency.

Bae: I want to grow my focus from hiring to human resource management. I want to increase my contribution to the process of helping each employee grow and reach completion, by, for example, analyzing data to identify what training tools and resources are needed to hire the right people and help them see their careers grow, and what personnel plans are needed to maximize synergy within that process. I can see the hurdles I might encounter down the road, but I’m confident that, with thorough planning, I can overcome them one by one.

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