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Finance Team: Reading Meanings Beyond Numbers

The finance team at Samhwa is a department that accepts nothing less than failproof meticulousness. We met with Park Seo-hee and Lee Dan-bi, two key players on the team that forms the bedrock of the company’s success, to hear them talk about their work, their goals, and the culture of their team.

Q. It’s good to meet you. Please tell us about your team.

Park: Hello, the finance team is in charge of ensuring that Samhwa’s finances remain solid and in order. Through comprehensive analysis of the company’s finances and management, we aid decision-making on all management matters. We also publish key information about the company’s financial performance and meet regularly with our investors.

Lee: The main tasks of the finance team are to raise and manage financial assets for the company. We keep things in balance financially for Samhwa by ensuring that its cash flows in predictable ways. We review whether the business expense claim forms we receive from all corners of the company have been filled out according to company policy.

Q. What are your particular areas of focus these days?

Park: My job these days mainly involves publishing and communicating important financial information about Samhwa, including quarterly business progress and financial performance data, to investors. I’m also developing a manual to ensure that legally required information about the company’s financial performance is published on time according to the laws on periodical and as-needed disclosures. The goal is to provide accurate information that may affect the price and trading of Samhwa stocks so as to help investors make informed decisions and help Samhwa stocks to trade at a fair price.

Lee: I’m a newbie here, so most of my time is spent learning. For now, my focus is on managing expenditures on corporate credit cards. I’m also learning about different aspects of financing and financial management.

Finding joy through hard work and achievement

Q. Do you have any of your own rules that you hold yourself to in your line of work?

Park: I try to get things done ahead of time as much as possible. Rushing to meet impending deadlines leaves the door wide open to unexpected errors and omissions. My policy is to get my job done well ahead of time so that I can review it several times. That’s what I do to excel at my job.

Lee: I keep reminding myself that my work isn’t isolated. What all of us do here ultimately converges together toward achieving a common goal. My goal is to do my job precisely and in a timely manner so that this shared cycle of progress remains running. I want to do my best in whatever job I’m given and in becoming a good partner to my colleagues.

Q. Are there moments when you feel that you’ve discovered the joy of work?

Park: In this line of work, a seemingly trifle error can lead to huge consequences. We must therefore pay uncompromised attention to everything we do. Being so focused for such long periods of time makes us prone to stress. But there’s nothing like the sense of reward I feel upon finishing my work perfectly. I think it is the repetition of these achievements, big and small, that build up the joy of work. This work is tiring, but I never get tired of it.

Lee: I love the thrill I feel when I produce perfect results on tasks that have fixed outcomes. I’m noticing an increasing overlap between what I studied at university and what I do at Samhwa now. I like discovering how the theories I learned in textbooks materialize in real life. It makes me want to learn more in depth.

Q. What do you do to increase your own competency?

Park: I think it’s critical to remain on top of the fast-paced changes occurring in my work. In disclosure and publication alone, I’ve had to learn and adapt to numerous new changes in these last few years, including the mandatory disclosure of information in English and the use of extensible business reporting language (XBRL). In addition to adapting to these changes promptly, I need to keep making consistent efforts to improve my competency. I spend hours after work listening to online lectures on in-depth accounting. It’s not easy to spend so much extra time studying, but that’s what I must do if I want to grow as a professional.

Lee: I try to look up whatever it is that I don’t know immediately so I can understand the concept well before proceeding. Starting next year, I plan to take a variety of courses as well. Through consistent hard work, I hope to see my self-esteem and confidence grow as a professional. I expect these efforts to improve my competency so I can enjoy my work all the more.

A culture that encourages me to grow with my colleagues

Q. How is your team’s work culture?

Park: We are very eager to help one another excel and I sometimes wonder whether there’s anywhere else where people take such great interest in one another’s work. Whenever I hit some road block, I talk to someone on my team about it and can rest assured that they will do their best to help me find a solution. We use our online calendar to keep track of one another’s schedule and progress so that all we do can continue in an uninterrupted flow.

Lee: On my first day working here, my colleagues told me to feel free to ask whatever question I have whenever I need to. Thanks to their encouragement and support, I’m learning well. As I become more seasoned myself, I’d like to repay the favor by being a supportive guide and mentor for new people as well.

Q. Samhwa is located in Jongno, Seoul. Do you spend a lot of time around here?

Park: Yes, Jongno is actually a favorite hang-out spot for my teammates and I. I don’t get tired of it. I love the relaxed and charming atmosphere in this neighborhood, so I even call up my family and friends from time to time to get together with me here. There are many things I like about working for Samhwa, and the company’s location in Jongno is definitely one of them!

Lee: There are a lot of great places to eat in Ikseon-dong, so that’s where I often go for lunch. I also like to visit the cafes along Seosunlla-gil and take a walk along the stoned fence of Jongmyo. The trail along the Jongmyo fence is so beautiful all year round, whether spring, summer, fall, or even winter.

Q. What kind of people are you looking to attract to the finance team?

Park: Anyone who can think analytically and quickly, based on a good grasp of finance and accounting, will enjoy working here. Precision is key to everything we do in this department. In order to complete anything by deadline, it’s critical to identify, analyze, and correct problems quickly.

Lee: It takes just a single misplaced decimal point to create something of a catastrophe in this line of work. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of attention to detail. Yes, the work can be burdensome because you deal with a lot of numbers that are important to the company, but the sense of reward you feel for completing such difficult tasks is also unbeatable. We’d welcome anyone who can rise to that challenge!

Q. What are your goals?

Park: I will learn the important laws, like the Commercial Act and the Capital Markets Act. With in-depth knowledge of the laws and decades of experience, I’d like to become CFO one day and help establish overall business plans and review the feasibility of new projects.

Lee: My immediate goal is to become an indispensable member of this team with a good knowledge of my job and the necessary skills. I want to achieve all my plans to perfection so that everyone will instantly think of me when they look for someone whose skill and impact they can count on. I know I can achieve this goal because I’m surrounded by colleagues who help me out. I want to grow in expertise every year.

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Finance Team: Reading Meanings Beyond Numbers


The finance team at Samhwa is a department that accepts nothing less than failproof meticulousness. We met with Park Seo-hee and Lee Dan-bi, two key players on the team that forms the bedrock of the company’s success, to hear them talk about their work, their goals, and the culture of their team.

Q. It’s good to meet you. Please tell us about your team.

Park: Hello, the finance team is in charge of ensuring that Samhwa’s finances remain solid and in order. Through comprehensive analysis of the company’s finances and management, we aid decision-making on all management matters. We also publish key information about the company’s financial performance and meet regularly with our investors.

Lee: The main tasks of the finance team are to raise and manage financial assets for the company. We keep things in balance financially for Samhwa by ensuring that its cash flows in predictable ways. We review whether the business expense claim forms we receive from all corners of the company have been filled out according to company policy.

Q. What are your particular areas of focus these days?

Park: My job these days mainly involves publishing and communicating important financial information about Samhwa, including quarterly business progress and financial performance data, to investors. I’m also developing a manual to ensure that legally required information about the company’s financial performance is published on time according to the laws on periodical and as-needed disclosures. The goal is to provide accurate information that may affect the price and trading of Samhwa stocks so as to help investors make informed decisions and help Samhwa stocks to trade at a fair price.

Lee: I’m a newbie here, so most of my time is spent learning. For now, my focus is on managing expenditures on corporate credit cards. I’m also learning about different aspects of financing and financial management.

Finding joy through hard work and achievement

Q. Do you have any of your own rules that you hold yourself to in your line of work?

Park: I try to get things done ahead of time as much as possible. Rushing to meet impending deadlines leaves the door wide open to unexpected errors and omissions. My policy is to get my job done well ahead of time so that I can review it several times. That’s what I do to excel at my job.

Lee: I keep reminding myself that my work isn’t isolated. What all of us do here ultimately converges together toward achieving a common goal. My goal is to do my job precisely and in a timely manner so that this shared cycle of progress remains running. I want to do my best in whatever job I’m given and in becoming a good partner to my colleagues.

Q. Are there moments when you feel that you’ve discovered the joy of work?

Park: In this line of work, a seemingly trifle error can lead to huge consequences. We must therefore pay uncompromised attention to everything we do. Being so focused for such long periods of time makes us prone to stress. But there’s nothing like the sense of reward I feel upon finishing my work perfectly. I think it is the repetition of these achievements, big and small, that build up the joy of work. This work is tiring, but I never get tired of it.

Lee: I love the thrill I feel when I produce perfect results on tasks that have fixed outcomes. I’m noticing an increasing overlap between what I studied at university and what I do at Samhwa now. I like discovering how the theories I learned in textbooks materialize in real life. It makes me want to learn more in depth.

Q. What do you do to increase your own competency?

Park: I think it’s critical to remain on top of the fast-paced changes occurring in my work. In disclosure and publication alone, I’ve had to learn and adapt to numerous new changes in these last few years, including the mandatory disclosure of information in English and the use of extensible business reporting language (XBRL). In addition to adapting to these changes promptly, I need to keep making consistent efforts to improve my competency. I spend hours after work listening to online lectures on in-depth accounting. It’s not easy to spend so much extra time studying, but that’s what I must do if I want to grow as a professional.

Lee: I try to look up whatever it is that I don’t know immediately so I can understand the concept well before proceeding. Starting next year, I plan to take a variety of courses as well. Through consistent hard work, I hope to see my self-esteem and confidence grow as a professional. I expect these efforts to improve my competency so I can enjoy my work all the more.

A culture that encourages me to grow with my colleagues

Q. How is your team’s work culture?

Park: We are very eager to help one another excel and I sometimes wonder whether there’s anywhere else where people take such great interest in one another’s work. Whenever I hit some road block, I talk to someone on my team about it and can rest assured that they will do their best to help me find a solution. We use our online calendar to keep track of one another’s schedule and progress so that all we do can continue in an uninterrupted flow.

Lee: On my first day working here, my colleagues told me to feel free to ask whatever question I have whenever I need to. Thanks to their encouragement and support, I’m learning well. As I become more seasoned myself, I’d like to repay the favor by being a supportive guide and mentor for new people as well.

Q. Samhwa is located in Jongno, Seoul. Do you spend a lot of time around here?

Park: Yes, Jongno is actually a favorite hang-out spot for my teammates and I. I don’t get tired of it. I love the relaxed and charming atmosphere in this neighborhood, so I even call up my family and friends from time to time to get together with me here. There are many things I like about working for Samhwa, and the company’s location in Jongno is definitely one of them!

Lee: There are a lot of great places to eat in Ikseon-dong, so that’s where I often go for lunch. I also like to visit the cafes along Seosunlla-gil and take a walk along the stoned fence of Jongmyo. The trail along the Jongmyo fence is so beautiful all year round, whether spring, summer, fall, or even winter.

Q. What kind of people are you looking to attract to the finance team?

Park: Anyone who can think analytically and quickly, based on a good grasp of finance and accounting, will enjoy working here. Precision is key to everything we do in this department. In order to complete anything by deadline, it’s critical to identify, analyze, and correct problems quickly.

Lee: It takes just a single misplaced decimal point to create something of a catastrophe in this line of work. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of attention to detail. Yes, the work can be burdensome because you deal with a lot of numbers that are important to the company, but the sense of reward you feel for completing such difficult tasks is also unbeatable. We’d welcome anyone who can rise to that challenge!

Q. What are your goals?

Park: I will learn the important laws, like the Commercial Act and the Capital Markets Act. With in-depth knowledge of the laws and decades of experience, I’d like to become CFO one day and help establish overall business plans and review the feasibility of new projects.

Lee: My immediate goal is to become an indispensable member of this team with a good knowledge of my job and the necessary skills. I want to achieve all my plans to perfection so that everyone will instantly think of me when they look for someone whose skill and impact they can count on. I know I can achieve this goal because I’m surrounded by colleagues who help me out. I want to grow in expertise every year.

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