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Samhwa people in their elements

The unbeatable thrill of riding on water!
Jet skiing and wakeboarding

Aquatic sports look so cool and fun that, just by watching people engaged in them, you can almost forget the heat of summer. Water spraying and splashing in white bubbles and the speed of jet skis are some of the things we associate with summer. If it’s so fun even just to watch people doing these things, how much more fun would it be to try them yourself? Samhwa’s employees decided to try out some jet skiing and wakeboarding on Hangang River this summer.

Their journey began at Hangang River City Jet Ski & Wakeboarding on a peaceful Saturday morning. There were quite a few people there even though it was very early. Yun Dae-bong, a senior researcher at Samhwa Paints, was joined by Kim Pil-yeong, another senior researcher, Lee Eun-gyun, a deputy manager, and Lee Jae-min, a junior researcher. Aside from Kim, who says he jet skied the first and only time nearly two decades ago, none had any experience with the sport.

As serious as professional boarders

The wakeboarding experience first began on land. Participants learned the basics of controlling their motions and muscles, trying to relax their bodies and minds. It is essential to maintain a solid squat on the board. Leave your fate to the jet ski pulling you. Keep your arms stretched forward, and your thighs tight so they can withstand and ride the rough waves underneath. The instructor was impressed by how well the Samhwa guys kept the required posture.

After completing the training in basics, the participants split up between the jet skiing team and the wakeboarding team. Jet skiing delivers the excitement and thrill of speed, while wakeboarding is something you enjoy as you master more skills. Kim and Lee Eun-gyun decided to go with jet skiing, which seemed the easier option. Yun and Lee Jae-min decided to try their luck with wakeboarding, as they both had been snowboarding.

“I’m an experienced snowboarder, but this is my first time trying the wakeboard. Hope I find a new hobby I can enjoy regularly in the summer.”

“I’m a little nervous since it’s my first time trying this, but I’ll give it my best.”
(Lee Jae-min)

Novices like Yun and Lee need to engage in simulated training first, holding onto a bar connected to the boat, before they can start boarding on water.

“The water is a lot colder than I imagined. It was also more difficult to maintain balance than I expected.” (Lee Eun-gyun)

“This seems like an exercise that burns a lot of calories really fast since every muscle is used.”

Enjoying the thrill of river splashes

The Samhwa guys were finally ready to launch into the water. A boat took them out to the middle of the river before they could start either jet skiing or wakeboarding (while holding onto a bar connected to a cable connected to the jet ski). Kim volunteered to be first. He slipped a little, but soon regained his position again and made a beautiful first round. He was so successful that he ended up jet skiing all the way beyond Hannamdaegyo Bridge to make his return under Banpodaegyo Bridge. “I had a hard time keeping my balance at first, but I began to see the refreshing scenery all around me. I loved the view. I loved how it felt on my body and my mind,” says Kim. Eun-gyun was the second to go. He kept going underwater amid the harsh waves, but made the other guys cheer and clap for his persistence in trying to keep his posture straight. “It looked incredibly fun, but it’s not as easy as it seems. I want to give it another try,” Eun-gyun said afterward.

Yun and Jae-min are now ready to try wakeboarding. Yun seemed to balance himself quite well on the board at first, but then went straight underwater. He took a few deep breaths and gave it a second try to great success, riding the waves like a professional wakeboarder. “Gosh, this is different from snowboarding,” he said. “But the excitement of the challenge and riding the waves is seriously addicting!” Jae-min was the last of the group to go on the water, and he performed very well. He had cramps in his legs while on the board but managed to see his run out despite the pain. Jae-min said: “I think you could get muscle cramps doing this because you have to use every muscle in your body. I wish I could do this more but will give it a second try another time.” The guys continued to wrestle with the water into the afternoon that day, emerging as new aficionados of the two aquatic sports. We wish them thrills and success for the rest of their lives, like what they experienced while jet skiing and wakeboarding today.


“I’m surprised and happy to discover that you can enjoy these sports on the Hangang River. It feels so refreshing to be floating on water facing the wind head on. You’ll quickly forget the heat of summer when you’re doing river activities like this. I love sports, so I already enjoy snowboarding and mountain biking. I highly recommend wakeboarding to anyone who loves being active.”


“Going in, my thought was getting a once-in-a-lifetime selfie on a jet ski. You have to sink into the water a number of times before you’re able to hold your own against it, but once you get to that stage, it feels incredible, like nothing else. I love the speed and the feel of crashing through the waves under me. I recommend jet skiing to anyone who wants to make special memories this summer. You may be sore for a few days after, but the memories you make will more than make up for it!”


“I thoroughly enjoyed my time out here today as the chill activity on the water made me forget all about the heat and stress. I had little difficulty enjoying the experience even though I don’t even know how to swim. I know that I will be able to enjoy the thrill and speed of wakeboarding even more if I practice a little more and gain confidence. Samhwa people, let’s do this together!”


“Going in, my thought was getting a once-in-a-lifetime selfie on a jet ski. You have to sink into the water a number of times before you’re able to hold your own against it, but once you get to that stage, it feels incredible, like nothing else. I love the speed and the feel of crashing through the waves under me. I recommend jet skiing to anyone who wants to make special memories this summer. You may be sore for a few days after, but the memories you make will more than make up for it!”

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Samhwa people in their elements


The unbeatable thrill of riding on water!
Jet skiing and wakeboarding

Aquatic sports look so cool and fun that, just by watching people engaged in them, you can almost forget the heat of summer. Water spraying and splashing in white bubbles and the speed of jet skis are some of the things we associate with summer. If it’s so fun even just to watch people doing these things, how much more fun would it be to try them yourself? Samhwa’s employees decided to try out some jet skiing and wakeboarding on Hangang River this summer.

Their journey began at Hangang River City Jet Ski & Wakeboarding on a peaceful Saturday morning. There were quite a few people there even though it was very early. Yun Dae-bong, a senior researcher at Samhwa Paints, was joined by Kim Pil-yeong, another senior researcher, Lee Eun-gyun, a deputy manager, and Lee Jae-min, a junior researcher. Aside from Kim, who says he jet skied the first and only time nearly two decades ago, none had any experience with the sport.

As serious as professional boarders

The wakeboarding experience first began on land. Participants learned the basics of controlling their motions and muscles, trying to relax their bodies and minds. It is essential to maintain a solid squat on the board. Leave your fate to the jet ski pulling you. Keep your arms stretched forward, and your thighs tight so they can withstand and ride the rough waves underneath. The instructor was impressed by how well the Samhwa guys kept the required posture.

After completing the training in basics, the participants split up between the jet skiing team and the wakeboarding team. Jet skiing delivers the excitement and thrill of speed, while wakeboarding is something you enjoy as you master more skills. Kim and Lee Eun-gyun decided to go with jet skiing, which seemed the easier option. Yun and Lee Jae-min decided to try their luck with wakeboarding, as they both had been snowboarding.

“I’m an experienced snowboarder, but this is my first time trying the wakeboard. Hope I find a new hobby I can enjoy regularly in the summer.”

“I’m a little nervous since it’s my first time trying this, but I’ll give it my best.”
(Lee Jae-min)

Novices like Yun and Lee need to engage in simulated training first, holding onto a bar connected to the boat, before they can start boarding on water.

“The water is a lot colder than I imagined. It was also more difficult to maintain balance than I expected.” (Lee Eun-gyun)

“This seems like an exercise that burns a lot of calories really fast since every muscle is used.”

Enjoying the thrill of river splashes

The Samhwa guys were finally ready to launch into the water. A boat took them out to the middle of the river before they could start either jet skiing or wakeboarding (while holding onto a bar connected to a cable connected to the jet ski). Kim volunteered to be first. He slipped a little, but soon regained his position again and made a beautiful first round. He was so successful that he ended up jet skiing all the way beyond Hannamdaegyo Bridge to make his return under Banpodaegyo Bridge. “I had a hard time keeping my balance at first, but I began to see the refreshing scenery all around me. I loved the view. I loved how it felt on my body and my mind,” says Kim. Eun-gyun was the second to go. He kept going underwater amid the harsh waves, but made the other guys cheer and clap for his persistence in trying to keep his posture straight. “It looked incredibly fun, but it’s not as easy as it seems. I want to give it another try,” Eun-gyun said afterward.

Yun and Jae-min are now ready to try wakeboarding. Yun seemed to balance himself quite well on the board at first, but then went straight underwater. He took a few deep breaths and gave it a second try to great success, riding the waves like a professional wakeboarder. “Gosh, this is different from snowboarding,” he said. “But the excitement of the challenge and riding the waves is seriously addicting!” Jae-min was the last of the group to go on the water, and he performed very well. He had cramps in his legs while on the board but managed to see his run out despite the pain. Jae-min said: “I think you could get muscle cramps doing this because you have to use every muscle in your body. I wish I could do this more but will give it a second try another time.” The guys continued to wrestle with the water into the afternoon that day, emerging as new aficionados of the two aquatic sports. We wish them thrills and success for the rest of their lives, like what they experienced while jet skiing and wakeboarding today.


“I’m surprised and happy to discover that you can enjoy these sports on the Hangang River. It feels so refreshing to be floating on water facing the wind head on. You’ll quickly forget the heat of summer when you’re doing river activities like this. I love sports, so I already enjoy snowboarding and mountain biking. I highly recommend wakeboarding to anyone who loves being active.”


“Going in, my thought was getting a once-in-a-lifetime selfie on a jet ski. You have to sink into the water a number of times before you’re able to hold your own against it, but once you get to that stage, it feels incredible, like nothing else. I love the speed and the feel of crashing through the waves under me. I recommend jet skiing to anyone who wants to make special memories this summer. You may be sore for a few days after, but the memories you make will more than make up for it!”


“I thoroughly enjoyed my time out here today as the chill activity on the water made me forget all about the heat and stress. I had little difficulty enjoying the experience even though I don’t even know how to swim. I know that I will be able to enjoy the thrill and speed of wakeboarding even more if I practice a little more and gain confidence. Samhwa people, let’s do this together!”


“Going in, my thought was getting a once-in-a-lifetime selfie on a jet ski. You have to sink into the water a number of times before you’re able to hold your own against it, but once you get to that stage, it feels incredible, like nothing else. I love the speed and the feel of crashing through the waves under me. I recommend jet skiing to anyone who wants to make special memories this summer. You may be sore for a few days after, but the memories you make will more than make up for it!”

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