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We connect with our customers
through all our operations,
whether domestic or abroad
SM2Networks, specializing in developing and maintaining integrated computer systems, continues to serve clients’ needs in relation to IT asset management, system repair and restoration, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The company provides systematic community management, customer relations, branching and PR, customer development, and social media services, helping clients make strategic decisions with better insights into competition and the market.

12th floor, 123 Beolmal-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


Corenet, which develops and produces calibration equipment for nuclear power plants, is an R&D partner of Concurrent Computer Corporation, a world-renowned supplier of real-time surveillance systems based in the United States. Corenet provides industrial computer maintenance, parts development, and system integration services for clients in Korea. As a provider of calibration equipment repair and maintenance services with certified safety (Q-Class), the company continues to develop new software applications and localize the production of core parts and calibration control systems.

#605, 77, Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul (Seongsu-dong 1-ga, Seoul Forest IT Valley)


Samhwa Paints created Samhwa Logitech with the aim of ensuring better logistics services for its products. Logistics has become vital to business operations in today’s world as they are crucial to satisfying complex customer needs in increasingly diverse and complex global business environments. In addition to providing cost-effective services, logistics companies are increasingly required to develop new business models that capitalize on their accumulated connections and resources, to reinforce their security and safety systems, and to apply the latest digital technologies toward enhancing the visibility and security of their supply chains. Samhwa Logitech, Samhwa’s seasoned experts knowledgeable on all aspects of logistics, continues to strive to ensure customer satisfaction at all times through unrivaled products in as simple a process as possible.

#201-2, Management Building, 107 Jiwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (Seonggok-dong)


Since its establishment as a basic chemical manufacturer in 1976, Samhwa-Daelim Chemicals has diversified and broadened its portfolio to include a wide range of precision chemicals, including pharmaceutical intermediates, catalysts, and highly functional chemicals for electronic materials. The company is located at 71 Gongdan-dong 1-gil, Chilseo-myeon, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do.

71, Gongdan-dong 1-gil, Chilseo-myeon, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do


We connect with our customers through
all our operations, whether domestic or abroad
Affiliated Companies
    12th floor, 123 Beolmal-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

    SM2Networks, specializing in developing and maintaining integrated computer systems, continues to serve clients’ needs in relation to IT asset management, system repair and restoration, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The company provides systematic community management, customer relations, branching and PR, customer development, and social media services, helping clients make strategic decisions with better insights into competition and the market.

    #605, 77, Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul (Seongsu-dong 1-ga, Seoul Forest IT Valley)

    Corenet, which develops and produces calibration equipment for nuclear power plants, is an R&D partner of Concurrent Computer Corporation, a world-renowned supplier of real-time surveillance systems based in the United States. Corenet provides industrial computer maintenance, parts development, and system integration services for clients in Korea. As a provider of calibration equipment repair and maintenance services with certified safety (Q-Class), the company continues to develop new software applications and localize the production of core parts and calibration control systems.

    #201-2, Management Building, 107 Jiwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (Seonggok-dong)

    Samhwa Paints created Samhwa Logitech with the aim of ensuring better logistics services for its products. Logistics has become vital to business operations in today’s world as they are crucial to satisfying complex customer needs in increasingly diverse and complex global business environments. In addition to providing cost-effective services, logistics companies are increasingly required to develop new business models that capitalize on their accumulated connections and resources, to reinforce their security and safety systems, and to apply the latest digital technologies toward enhancing the visibility and security of their supply chains. Samhwa Logitech, Samhwa’s seasoned experts knowledgeable on all aspects of logistics, continues to strive to ensure customer satisfaction at all times through unrivaled products in as simple a process as possible.

    71, Gongdan-dong 1-gil, Chilseo-myeon, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do

    Since its establishment as a basic chemical manufacturer in 1976, Samhwa-Daelim Chemicals has diversified and broadened its portfolio to include a wide range of precision chemicals, including pharmaceutical intermediates, catalysts, and highly functional chemicals for electronic materials. The company is located at 71 Gongdan-dong 1-gil, Chilseo-myeon, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do.

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