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Eco-friendly management
toward a sustainable future

Environmental policy

Samhwa Paints works to minimize its environmental impact
and do its part to mitigate the effects of, and adapt to, climate change,
by engaging in environment-conscious management practices for a more sustainable future.

Principles of environmental management
  • img-eco-icon1

    Prevent and reduce pollution

  • img-eco-icon3

    Reduce waste and use of resources

  • img-eco-icon2

    Comply with laws and other important requirements

Environmental management system

Samhwa Paints appointed its first Chief Safety Officer (CSO) in 2022
and established an organization, under the CSO's office, for environmental management
so as to facilitate decision-making on environment- and climate-related issues.

Environment-related data
Classification Content Unit 2021 2022 2023
Greenhouse Gas Direct Emissions (Scope1) tCO2eq 1,335 1,236 1,228
Indirect Emissions (Scope2) tCO2eq 11,583 12,196 12,277
Total Emissions (Scope1+2) tCO2eq 12,918 13,432 13,505
Energy Total Consumption TOE 256 247 249
Waste Waste Disposal Amount Ton 8,483 7,993 7,758
Recycling Rate % 56.9 60.0 54.4
Environment / Safety
Eco-friendly management
toward a sustainable future
Environmental policy

Samhwa Paints works to minimize its environmental impact and do its part to mitigate the effects of, and adapt to, climate change, by engaging in environment-conscious management practices for a more sustainable future.

Principles of environmental management
  • img-eco-icon1

    Prevent and reduce pollution

  • img-eco-icon3

    Reduce waste and use of resources

  • img-eco-icon2

    Comply with laws and other important requirements

Environmental management system

Samhwa Paints appointed its first Chief Safety Officer (CSO) in 2022 and established an organization, under the CSO's office, for environmental management so as to facilitate decision-making on environment- and climate-related issues.

Enviroment Management Organization Chart
Environment-related data
Classification Content Unit 2021 2022 2023
Greenhouse Gas Direct Emissions (Scope1) tCO2eq 1,335 1,236 1,228
Indirect Emissions (Scope2) tCO2eq 11,583 12,196 12,277
Total Emissions (Scope1+2) tCO2eq 12,918 13,432 13,505
Energy Total Consumption TOE 256 247 249
Waste Waste Disposal Amount Ton 8,483 7,993 7,758
Recycling Rate % 56.9 60.0 54.4
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