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Safety and health management
providing reassurance for all
Safety and health policy

In alignment with our principles--respect for all and prioritizing safe work environments-- Samhwa has established its SHE Manual and High-Five-Risk-Zero Guide towards keeping chemical factories free of five high-risk substances so that every worker has the opportunity to work in the safest possible conditions all year round.

Principles of safety and health management
  • img-safety-icon1

    Minimize loss of life and assets

  • img-safety-icon3

    Continue making improvements

  • img-safety-icon4

    Ensure workers' participation and safety

  • img-safety-icon2

    Comply with laws and other important requirements

Mid- to long-term goals for safety and health

An SHE (Safety, Health, Environment) system of safety based on self-regulation and prevention

  • STEP. 01 Reform and
    reinforce the system.
  • STEP. 02 Upgrade the group-wide
    operating system
  • STEP. 03 Transition to a self-regulating and preventative system
  • STEP. 04 Establish and practice an advanced culture of occupational safety
Safety and health management system

With the aim of ensuring the safety and health of all at its business locations, Samhwa appointed its first Chief Safety Officer (CSO) in 2022, under whom it placed the Office of Safety and Health Management for supervision and coordination of safety- and health-related tasks across the company.

Efforts for safety and health
  • Labor-management joint resolution on preventing industrial disasters and accidents

    At Samhwa Paints, workers and management regularly hold a ceremony where they issue a joint resolution on strengthening companywide awareness of safety and health.
  • SHE Patrol

    Worker and management representatives together inspect all business sites on a monthly basis to identify and rectify risk factors and hazards.
  • KOSHA-MS certification

    Samhwa has acquired a safety and health system certificate as part of its efforts to ensure systematic efforts that protect the safety and health of all.
Environment / Safety
Safety and health management
providing reassurance for all
Safety and health policy

In alignment with our principles--respect for all and prioritizing safe work environments-- Samhwa has established its SHE Manual and High-Five-Risk-Zero Guide towards keeping chemical factories free of five high-risk substances so that every worker has the opportunity to work in the safest possible conditions all year round.

Principles of safety and health management
  • img-safety-icon1

    Minimize loss of life and assets

  • img-safety-icon3

    Continue making improvements

  • img-safety-icon4

    Ensure workers' participation and safety

  • img-safety-icon2

    Comply with laws and other important requirements

Mid- to long-term goals for safety and health

An SHE (Safety, Health, Environment) system of safety based on self-regulation and prevention

  1. STEP. 01
    Reform and
    reinforce the system
  2. STEP. 02
    Upgrade the group-wide
    operating system
  3. STEP. 03
    Transition to a self-regulating
    and preventative system
  4. STEP. 04
    Establish and practice
    an advanced culture of occupational safety
Safety and health management system

With the aim of ensuring the safety and health of all at its business locations, Samhwa appointed its first Chief Safety Officer (CSO) in 2022, under whom it placed the Office of Safety and Health Management for supervision and coordination of safety- and health-related tasks across the company.

Efforts for safety and health
  • Labor-management joint resolution on preventing industrial disasters and accidents

    At Samhwa Paints, workers and management regularly hold a ceremony where they issue a joint resolution on strengthening companywide awareness of safety and health.
  • SHE Patrol

    Worker and management representatives together inspect all business sites on a monthly basis to identify and rectify risk factors and hazards.
  • KOSHA-MS certification

    Samhwa has acquired a safety and health system certificate as part of its efforts to ensure systematic efforts that protect the safety and health of all.
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