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Colors of August: #Badasanhosaek and #Cheongpodosaek

As part of the celebrations for its 75th anniversary, Samhwa Paints has given a native Korean name to each month of the year and also selected the colors representing each month. Samhwa is happy to unveil its name and colors for the month of August.

Taoreumdal means “the month on fire” and is the name Samhwa has picked for the month of August. The almost deafening sound of cicadas buzzing in the trees everywhere in Korea dies out toward the evening and gives way to the mellow chirping of crickets hidden amid the leaves at night. The colors for this month are Badasanhosaek (“Sea Coral”), beckoning us to take that last chance at a getaway before the summer ends, and Cheongpodosaek (“Green Grapes”), just as juicy and succulent as the fruit itself.

Seeing how light breaks into infinite sparkling specks on the sea will make anyone forget the daily stress and hassles, at least for the time being. Look closely under the warm seawater and see the direct August sunlight revealing the rich range of colors in the world below. The peach-like coral reefs in the cool, dark blue seawater provide a habitat for organisms of all colors. Coral is the most beautiful color this time of year as the heat and light of the sun reach into forgotten corners of the sea just as they pervade the rest of the world on land.

Soft coral colors like Badasanhosaek are romantic. This romantic feel is, ironically, what makes people shun the color in their interior design projects. Used with skill, however, coral colors can instantly liven up a space and add unique charm. Use them with gold or other warm metallic colors for a more sophisticated look in your living room or bedroom.

Badasanhosaek can have quite a contrasting effect depending on how much is used, whether it is the predominant color or painted only on certain objects in a chosen space. Given its relatively softer chromaticity, it is still a better choice than brighter pinks for application over a relatively large surface in a resting area.

Cheongpodosaek is clearly reminiscent of the sweet, juicy fruit it is named after. Green grapes ripened under the summer sun refresh us and satiate our thirst. Cheongpodosaek is as refreshing as its namesake. If you’re gravitating toward “cooler” colors because of the weather these days, this might be a better alternative to blues.

Greens like Cheongpodosaek come straight from nature and therefore are very soothing. Greens relieve eye fatigue and reduce stress and headaches as they actually have the power to refresh our mood and strengthen our concentration. No wonder they’re so well-liked for studies and children’s rooms.

Use Cheongpodosaek in your living room and bedroom for a uniquely energizing effect. If you wish to use it on an entire wall, we recommend matching it with objects in other natural colors, such as white, brown and other wood tones, for a comforting aesthetic.

Now that you’ve discovered the names and colors for the first eight months of the year, we hope you’re all the more curious about the names and colors Samhwa has chosen for the remaining months! Stay tuned to find out.

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Colors of August: #Badasanhosaek and #Cheongpodosaek


As part of the celebrations for its 75th anniversary, Samhwa Paints has given a native Korean name to each month of the year and also selected the colors representing each month. Samhwa is happy to unveil its name and colors for the month of August.

Taoreumdal means “the month on fire” and is the name Samhwa has picked for the month of August. The almost deafening sound of cicadas buzzing in the trees everywhere in Korea dies out toward the evening and gives way to the mellow chirping of crickets hidden amid the leaves at night. The colors for this month are Badasanhosaek (“Sea Coral”), beckoning us to take that last chance at a getaway before the summer ends, and Cheongpodosaek (“Green Grapes”), just as juicy and succulent as the fruit itself.

Seeing how light breaks into infinite sparkling specks on the sea will make anyone forget the daily stress and hassles, at least for the time being. Look closely under the warm seawater and see the direct August sunlight revealing the rich range of colors in the world below. The peach-like coral reefs in the cool, dark blue seawater provide a habitat for organisms of all colors. Coral is the most beautiful color this time of year as the heat and light of the sun reach into forgotten corners of the sea just as they pervade the rest of the world on land.

Soft coral colors like Badasanhosaek are romantic. This romantic feel is, ironically, what makes people shun the color in their interior design projects. Used with skill, however, coral colors can instantly liven up a space and add unique charm. Use them with gold or other warm metallic colors for a more sophisticated look in your living room or bedroom.

Badasanhosaek can have quite a contrasting effect depending on how much is used, whether it is the predominant color or painted only on certain objects in a chosen space. Given its relatively softer chromaticity, it is still a better choice than brighter pinks for application over a relatively large surface in a resting area.

Cheongpodosaek is clearly reminiscent of the sweet, juicy fruit it is named after. Green grapes ripened under the summer sun refresh us and satiate our thirst. Cheongpodosaek is as refreshing as its namesake. If you’re gravitating toward “cooler” colors because of the weather these days, this might be a better alternative to blues.

Greens like Cheongpodosaek come straight from nature and therefore are very soothing. Greens relieve eye fatigue and reduce stress and headaches as they actually have the power to refresh our mood and strengthen our concentration. No wonder they’re so well-liked for studies and children’s rooms.

Use Cheongpodosaek in your living room and bedroom for a uniquely energizing effect. If you wish to use it on an entire wall, we recommend matching it with objects in other natural colors, such as white, brown and other wood tones, for a comforting aesthetic.

Now that you’ve discovered the names and colors for the first eight months of the year, we hope you’re all the more curious about the names and colors Samhwa has chosen for the remaining months! Stay tuned to find out.

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