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Neung-Dong Samhwa (Joy Paint)

From offline to online

Running the family business for 43 years

“This paint store, which my parents opened in June 1980, has been in existence for 43 years now. As we have run this store so long, we have a lot of regulars in this neighborhood, many of them visiting us for over three decades. These relationships may have started out of business transactions, but now we can understand each other’s thoughts and feelings just by looking at each other’s faces as we have been seeing each other regularly for so many years. I receive a lot of young customers these days as well, interested in DIY projects for their homes and businesses. We even have an online store.”

Joy Paints was bustling with a number of customers even though it was still quite early in the morning. They were all engaged in lively chatter over coffee. Seo Han-seok, the second-generation owner of Joy Paints, enjoys this small talk with his customers. That’s why he’s eager to open his store every morning.

“I run this store always trying to make upgrades everywhere. That’s why we’ve been able to maintain this family business for two generations. This place represents my father’s life work, so I try to make sure that it keeps growing and being successful because that’s what a son should do with his father’s legacy. I’ve always tried to think ahead and rise to new challenges instead of sitting back to enjoy the current situation. That’s why I opened the online store as well.”

From offline to online

It’s been a decade since Joy Paints began offering its merchandise online. Seo enjoys interacting with customers there, too.

“It’s been a while since we began running the online side of the business. I had to go online as I began to see the demand change and dwindle for offline transactions. Consumer lifestyles have changed, and we need to adapt in line with the changing trends to stay viable on the market.”

Seo takes care of everything about his online business from A to Z. It wasn’t so easy at first.

“When I opened the online store, I didn’t know who I could ask for help and advice as there were so few paint stores doing online operations at the time. I took the video classes offered by Naver.com to learn the basics on my own. I also had to search other sources to find the information I needed. It wasn’t so easy, but I persisted because I knew our path ahead was online.”

Seo says he feels rewarded as he sees his online sales grow consistently and welcomes customers who visit the physical store after seeing his products online.

“I have a growing number of customers who see our products online first and make a visit down here. My online sales have been growing steadily as well. I never hesitated to apply the new lessons I learned to my online operation over the last decade, and I believe these efforts have helped. I take great pride in that fact and I’m very happy. The progress I’ve made online is sometimes enough to wash away the fatigue and stress I feel running the offline store.”

Understanding market trends and always adapting

“I think I’ve met about 30 to 40 percent of what I set out to achieve in terms of sales and the number of online customers. I will continue to work hard so that I can increase sales and the market share of Samhwa’s products. I never cease to make upgrades in light of the changing market situations so that Joy Paints can continue to grow with Samhwa.”

“I also hope Joy Paints becomes the place, whether online or off, where people discover the joy of painting. Painting is a relatively simple way to dramatically transform any given space. Anyone can do it! Joy Paints will continue to bring quality Samhwa products and joy to many do-it-yourselfers.”

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Stories from Samhwa Paint dealers

From offline to online


Running the family business for 43 years

“This paint store, which my parents opened in June 1980, has been in existence for 43 years now. As we have run this store so long, we have a lot of regulars in this neighborhood, many of them visiting us for over three decades. These relationships may have started out of business transactions, but now we can understand each other’s thoughts and feelings just by looking at each other’s faces as we have been seeing each other regularly for so many years. I receive a lot of young customers these days as well, interested in DIY projects for their homes and businesses. We even have an online store.”

Joy Paints was bustling with a number of customers even though it was still quite early in the morning. They were all engaged in lively chatter over coffee. Seo Han-seok, the second-generation owner of Joy Paints, enjoys this small talk with his customers. That’s why he’s eager to open his store every morning.

“I run this store always trying to make upgrades everywhere. That’s why we’ve been able to maintain this family business for two generations. This place represents my father’s life work, so I try to make sure that it keeps growing and being successful because that’s what a son should do with his father’s legacy. I’ve always tried to think ahead and rise to new challenges instead of sitting back to enjoy the current situation. That’s why I opened the online store as well.”

From offline to online

It’s been a decade since Joy Paints began offering its merchandise online. Seo enjoys interacting with customers there, too.

“It’s been a while since we began running the online side of the business. I had to go online as I began to see the demand change and dwindle for offline transactions. Consumer lifestyles have changed, and we need to adapt in line with the changing trends to stay viable on the market.”

Seo takes care of everything about his online business from A to Z. It wasn’t so easy at first.

“When I opened the online store, I didn’t know who I could ask for help and advice as there were so few paint stores doing online operations at the time. I took the video classes offered by Naver.com to learn the basics on my own. I also had to search other sources to find the information I needed. It wasn’t so easy, but I persisted because I knew our path ahead was online.”

Seo says he feels rewarded as he sees his online sales grow consistently and welcomes customers who visit the physical store after seeing his products online.

“I have a growing number of customers who see our products online first and make a visit down here. My online sales have been growing steadily as well. I never hesitated to apply the new lessons I learned to my online operation over the last decade, and I believe these efforts have helped. I take great pride in that fact and I’m very happy. The progress I’ve made online is sometimes enough to wash away the fatigue and stress I feel running the offline store.”

Understanding market trends and always adapting

“I think I’ve met about 30 to 40 percent of what I set out to achieve in terms of sales and the number of online customers. I will continue to work hard so that I can increase sales and the market share of Samhwa’s products. I never cease to make upgrades in light of the changing market situations so that Joy Paints can continue to grow with Samhwa.”

“I also hope Joy Paints becomes the place, whether online or off, where people discover the joy of painting. Painting is a relatively simple way to dramatically transform any given space. Anyone can do it! Joy Paints will continue to bring quality Samhwa products and joy to many do-it-yourselfers.”

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